Cheat Mode
Start the game as usual, open up the console with [~] key and enter the
following command (it is case sensitive):
Once enabled, close the console (press [~] again) and bring up the main menu by
pressing the [Esc] key - now you can enable the basic cheat menu by pressing
[F1]. Repeat as often as needed just remember you have to be in the main menu to
trigger the cheatmenu with [F1].
Developer Cheat Mode
If you want to use the developer cheats simply use the following command
Then use the following keys While playing:
[Y] - Ghost, go through walls
[G] - God mode
- Auto aiming
[J] - Turbo, fast running
- Invisibility
[L] - Fly mode
[K] - Kill all enemies on screen
[Insert] - Extra life
[PgUp] and [PgDn] - Chapter change
[[] and []] - Real time factor
You can also disable the cheats with:
Cheat Mode (alternative)
Hold [Left Shift], then press [F3] [F4] [F3] [F3] [F4] at the main menu. Then,
press [F1] to display the cheat menu.
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